APHIS Updates Lacey Act Plant Declaration Form

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

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USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) revised the Plant and Plant Product Declaration Form (PPQ Form 505). The updated formknown as the Lacey Act declarationincludes a more user-friendly layout, expanded unit of measure options, and a new email field added where the preparer signs the declaration to certify the information is true and correct as written. The revised declaration form is available on APHIS’ Lacey Act website.

Importers who submit a paper declaration have until June 30, 2019, to begin using the revised declaration form, at which time all previous versions become obsolete. The Plant and Plant Product Declaration Supplemental Form (PPQ Form 505B) is unchanged.

In the near future, APHIS will also modify the electronic declaration form in the Lacey Act Web Governance System (LAWGS) to include additional unit of measure options and a data field for the email address of the person certifying the accuracy of the information provided in the declaration. Once this data field is implemented in LAWGS, the importer must enter an email address to complete their declaration and allow printing. Importers are encouraged to retain a printed copy of their declaration for their records. They may also present it to federal inspectors or auditors as proof of having completed the declaration in LAWGS. You should not mail a copy of the printed declaration form to APHIS if you file it electronically through LAWGS.

If you currently file Lacey Act declarations in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), this announcement does not apply to you. The changes have already been implemented.

If you have questions about the revised Plant and Plant Production Declaration form, email lacey.act.declaration@aphis.usda.gov.

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