Eap application checklist solomon islands
Application for service is done on the New Connection Form and can be for the following services:
- Temporary Supply
- New Connection to a building
- Separation
- Additional Wiring
- Alteration of Wiring
- Standby Generation
- Solar PV Grid Connect
- Relocation of Service Line
- Relocation of Meter
For new connections, the following documents are required to be attached:
- Proof of ownership of the property along with:
- FTE Title (Fixed Term Estate) / Parcel Number of the property
- Location map showing the property, with the property clearly marked on the map.
- Consent letter from adjoining land owner for land access across their property for Solomon Power poles and lines.
- Consent letter from 50% of the land-owning tribe if the land is tribally owned.
- For commercial installation: