Bra instruction in assembly language

lea ( MarkeyJester�s ).l,a0

lea ( Motorola ).l,a1

move.l #$000 68000 ,d0

add.l # Beginner�s ,d0

move.l # Tutorial ,d1

( MarkeyJester�s Motorola 68000 Beginner�s Tutorial )

Hello. I�m MarkeyJester, and for several years, I have been programming in 68k assembly. I have made quite a few Sonic The Hedgehog ROM modifications (a.k.a. hacks), have made a few proto games, and I�m currently in the process of programming a full game from ground up, for the SEGA Mega Drive system.

So, this tutorial here is an attempt at teaching 68k assembly at an extreme beginner�s level, to help steer away from all of those vague guides out there. � If you have any questions to ask, or any advice or feedback to share, then feel free to contact me by email at markeyjester �at� gmail �dot� com .

Please note, I have been getting a lot of emails regarding the simulator BSVC , and a lot of the questions related to problems with using macros correctly. � I�m afraid I don�t work with BSVC or EASy68k , and these questions are very hardware specific and actually have nothing to do with 68k itself. � So chances are , I cannot help you in that regard. � So please keep that in mind, and maybe check out manuals/documents that may have came with the hardware/simulator.

Section 01 � Getting Started